SunWalk 2013
Mint were proud to take part in the press release for the SunWalk London, which takes place in Battersea Park on June 30th. Walk the Walk supports breast cancer charities, with £83m already raised, and we are more than happy to be associated with, and support this worthy cause. Mint Circus performers were joined by presenter Gabby Roslin, actress Harriet Thorpe and charity founder Nina Barough to launch this year’s Circus themed event.
Mint also regularly perform for the Edinburgh and London MoonWalks.
Hope to see you at the start line where our Circus Stiltwalkers will enthusiastically engage with the crowd, and on your return why not take part in our amazing and enjoyable Circus workshops teaching you skills- including Juggling, unicycling , tightrope walking, spinning plates, poi and more!...